The data model for the Axapta application is defined in the Data Dictionary. When modifying an Axapta installation this is the area in which you would commence designing your new data model.
The data in an Axapta installation is stored in a relational database. In short, this means that data is separated in tables to prevent redundant data occurrence and relations are defined between the tables making it possibleto gain access to the related data.
Elements in Data Dictionary :
- Tables
- Maps
- Views
- Extended Data Types
- Base Enums
- Configuration Keys
- License Codes
- Security Keys
- Table Collections
- Perspectives
A TABLE is a collection of related data held in a structured format within a database, in short it is a collection of related information. It consists of fields (columns) and rows.Each row represents a unique record, and each column represents a field in the record. For example, a table that contains employee data for a company might contain a row for each employee and columns representing employee information such as employee number, name, address, job title, and home telephone number.
MAPS are just like an element/object the makes possible to link/associate map fields with fields(same type with different names) in different tables.You associate a map field with a field in one or more tables. This enables you to use the same field name to access fields with different names in different tables. Methods on maps enable you to create or modify methods that act on the table fields that the map references.
A VIEW is the result of an inner join of two or more tables. Views are read only and they primarily provide an efficient method for reading data and also supports aggregated functions on the fetched data.
An EXTENDED DATA TYPE element type is used to specify value type
application model elements that extend base enums, in addition to string, boolean, integer, real, date, time, UtcDateTime, int64, guid, and container value types.The difference between a base type and an extended data type is that an extended data type has a property sheet where information such as
labels, length and left or right adjustment are stored. Relations can also be added to an extended data type.
BASE ENUMERATION (BASE ENUM) element type is used to specify value type application model elements whose fields consist of a fixed set of symbolic constants. For example, you can create a base enum named WeekDay to name a set of symbolic constants that includes Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
CONFIGURATION KEY are used to assign application model elements to modules that a system administrator then uses to enable and disable application modules and module features. If it is disabled, the related objects will not show up in menus, forms or reports and no one will have access to those related objects.
LICENSE CODES element type are used to lock or unlock the configuration of
application modules developed by Microsoft. Modules are locked with license codes that must be unlocked with license keys.
Where configuration keys are setting access for all users, SECURITY KEYS will set access for a group of users or per user. Security keys are like
configuration keys linked hierarchically.
TABLE COLLECTION element type is used to specify a group of tables whose
data is shared by two or more Microsoft Dynamics AX companies assigned to the same virtual company.
PERSPECTIVES specify a group of tables and views that are used together when designing and generating SSAS unified dimensional models.
This gives a brief description of all the data dictionary elements. All these elements will be discussed in detail in the coming blogs..